foxwell diagnosis tool

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foxwell diagnosis tool

obd2,ecu, diagnosis tool free download

(محلول) 09.2017 XENTRY / DAS تنتهی

09.2017 XENTRY / DAS تنتهی رسالة خطأ والحل:


XENTRY / DAS تنتهی خطأ:

لا validata dell'attuale versione دی داتی scadra ادی 21/02/2018. installare الرابطة versione دی داتی attuale. 
رسالة خطأ فی اللغة الإنجلیزیة:

فإن النسخة الحالیة التحقق من صحة البیانات تتراوح من 2018/2/21. تثبیت الإصدار الحالی من البیانات.


تحمیل الصور ...

09-2017_xentry_expire_1 09-2017_xentry_expire_2 09-2017_xentry_expire_3


کیفیة حل:

تنشیط XENTRY أو وقت الإعداد جهاز الکمبیوتر الخاص بک فی وقت سابق

إعادة تنشیط أفضل


XENTRY / التعادل یمکن إعادة تنشیط نفسک فی أی وقت إذا کان لدیک البرنامج من الموقع:

How to reset TPS UK Honda Civic 8th Gen with Foxwell NT510?

I will introduce my Foxwell NT510 scanner, I want to use it to reset TPS UK Honda Civic 8th Gen.

Here we go for procedure.

Before doing that, we need to upload the Honda software first then we are going to play on the car.

This is software download screen, takes the SD card out of the computer and insert it into the computer's SD slot, hopefully it can upload the Honda software for me.

Login with user name and password.

Then take the sd card back into the machine.

Have Honda software on the NT510 screen.
Plug NT510 to the car, turn on ignition.
Press the button "Enter"
reset-tps-uk-honda-civic-8th-gen-with-foxwell-nt510-05 reset-tps-uk-honda-civic-8th-gen-with-foxwell-nt510-06

Go to live data

Custom list
reset-tps-uk-honda-civic-8th-gen-with-foxwell-nt510-07 reset-tps-uk-honda-civic-8th-gen-with-foxwell-nt510-08

Back to "Complete list"
So what we want to look at "TP"...78.8%
What we want it go to 100%, I'm not sure this car is running or not, let's respect this 18%, so let's go for the manual now.

Press the "Back" button to the home menu, choose "Honda" then "Enter", loading data, please wait...
We want to go to "Europe"

Diagnostic system initializing, please wait...
Check system just come on there...
reset-tps-uk-honda-civic-8th-gen-with-foxwell-nt510-12 reset-tps-uk-honda-civic-8th-gen-with-foxwell-nt510-13

It says "Loading data..."

Let's go down to the next "Control Unit".

Enter "PGM F1"

It says "Diagnostic system initializing please wait..."

Go to 12 TP Position Check
reset-tps-uk-honda-civic-8th-gen-with-foxwell-nt510-18 reset-tps-uk-honda-civic-8th-gen-with-foxwell-nt510-19

Press "Enter" and it says "HDS will confirm if the throttle position learning value is within proper limit.
Do you wish to continue?", press "Yes"

Do you wish to reset the TP learning value? If you do not clean the throttle body, some problems may occur.
Press "Yes"

TP learning value has been cleared. Clean the throttle body. Refer to the service manual.
If not, some problems may occur, press "Yes".

So let's go to check, so choose "Live Data" and press "Enter".

Go down to "TP sensor"  and press "Enter".

TP sensor 18.037% and float to 78.812%
reset-tps-uk-honda-civic-8th-gen-with-foxwell-nt510-25 reset-tps-uk-honda-civic-8th-gen-with-foxwell-nt510-26

Back to the home menu, next turn NT510 machine off.
Turn the ignition off and turn on, let's keep the fingers cross.
reset-tps-uk-honda-civic-8th-gen-with-foxwell-nt510-27 reset-tps-uk-honda-civic-8th-gen-with-foxwell-nt510-28

Foxwell NT510 reset TPS UK Honda Civic 8th Gen successfully.

So this Foxwell NT510 is fantastic, I'm going to do more with it.

کیفیة استخدام البرمجیات VCM IDS فورد 2 108.01

VCM 2 SP177-C1 فورد IDS 108.01 کیفیة استخدام:


قراءة بیانات السیارة

وحدة البرمجة

اختبار ذاتی

مسجل بیانات

تولید القوة




أدوات الذبذبات

الإعداد اللغة IDS


فی التفاصیل ...


کیفیة استخدام VCM2 IDS 108 لقراءة معلومات السیارة:


تشغیل IDS برامج متکاملة للتشخیص

فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت-1

انقر على VCM 2 رمز على الیسار السفلی للتشخیص

فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت-2

بدء الدورة الجدیدة، ثم کل أخرى

فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت-3

مواصفات السیارة: 2011 MY

فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت-4

تحقق من معلومات السیارة

السیارة: موندیو

نوع المحرک: Duratech سعادة / I4

القدرة: 2.3L

ناقل الحرکة: أوتوماتیکی

نوع الوقود: بنزین

فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت-5


فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت-6


فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت-7


کیفیة استخدام IDS 108 لفورد برمجة وحدة:


وحدة البرمجة

فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت-8

برمجة تهیئة وحدة:

ABS، ACM، AHCM، BCMII، CCMII، CDP، CMR، DSM، HCM، HVAC، IPC، IPM-A، PAM، PBM، PCM، الحرکة الشعبیة الدیمقراطیة، PSCM، RCM

فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت-9

إعادة برمجة وحدة:


فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت 10

معلمات للبرمجة:

الکتابة عداد المسافات، السیارة معلمة تکوین (ق)

فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت-12

کما هو والبناء:


فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت-13


فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت 14


کیفیة القیام V108 فورد IDS الاختبار الذاتی:


اختبار ذاتی

فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت 15


فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت 16

قراءة DTCS و

فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت 17

کل تفسیر CMDTCs


فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت 18 فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت-19 فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت 20


فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت-21


کیفیة القیام مسجل بیانات فی IDS 108 فورد :


مسجل بیانات


فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت-22 فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت-31

الجسم، الهیکل، الکهربائیة، تولید القوة، وحدة


فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت-32

تعیین مفتاح الإشعال إلى ON



فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت-34 فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت 35


فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت-36 فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت-37


کیفیة استخدام فورد IDS108 لتولید القوة:


تولید القوة

فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت-23


کیفیة استخدام البرمجیات IDS108 للالکهربائیة:



فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت 24 فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت 25


کیفیة استخدام البرمجیات IDS108 لفورد الهیکل:



فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت-26


کیفیة استخدام VCM 2 IDS108 لفورد الجسم:


الجسم: الأمن، وظائف الخدمة، BMS إعادة تعیین، مقاعد کهربائیة

فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت-27 فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت-28 فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت-29


کیفیة استخدام فورد IDS 108 أدوات راسم:


أدوات الذبذبات: الذبذبات، الذبذبات مع مقرنة، المولد تموج اختبار

فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت 30


کیفیة تغییر اللغة فی برنامج فورد IDS:

فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت-38 فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت-39



IDS اللغات: الألمانیة، فرنسیس، الایطالیة، الأسبانیة، Nederlands، وسفانسکا Suoml، DANSK، نورسک، البرتغالیة (الأوروبیة)، والبرتغالیة (البرازیلیة)


حدد أی اللغة التی تحتاج إلیها

فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت 40 فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت-41 فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت-42 

فورد-هویات-108-Win7 والتحمیل تثبیت-43

Digiprog3/Xprog/Carprog read&write Audi A4 eeprom HC12 mileage

Topic :how to use Digiprog3/Xprog/Carprog read&write Audi A4 eeprom HC12 mileage

Here you are:


copy the immo information from a cluster to another

make the mileage follow with the immo information


Audi a4 2001

Optional devices:

Digiprog3, or ecu programmers like Xprog, Carprog, UPA-USB programmer

Original cluster:

The Jaeger cluster barely works

audi-a4-2001-cluster audi-a4-2001-cluster-1 audi-a4-2001-cluster-2


read the pin code from both the Instrument and adapt it to the vehicle

What to do on pin 21 and 22 on the chip:


- With ECU programmers:

Eprom.set type,mcu,hc12,read,save.

eprom,set type,mcu,hc12,file,load,write.

Buy yourself Xprog-M programmer, Carprog, UPA-USB.

Pin 21 and 22 jumper after programming or wait 10 minutes.

- with Digiprog3:


Eprom,set type,mcu,hc12,read,save.

eprom,set type,mcu,hc12,file,load,write.


Eeprom HC12 read and write to the other counter:


(Write down the exact ALWAYS old / incorrect Mileage)

The diagnostic port is in the driver's footwell. Turn the ignition

on a vehicle. Connect plug ST16 the diagnostic port and the


Select the program: cars / trucks - AUDI - MM 4 / 99- DIAG.

The DIGI PROG II shows you the old / incorrect Mileage.

Enter the new / correct Mileage and confirm this.

Should be then after programming on the speedometer 999999 KM give

The old / wrong KM value again so that the speedometer again the old /

false indicates KM. Now you build the speedometer and break it to the

see board. Solder the green and black wire to the same color marked

Arrows at. Now connect the blue and the green plug with

the speedometer and plug ST41 with the DIGI PROG (picture on the following page.)

Now select the program: cars / trucks - AUDI - MM 4/99 HC12.

The DIGI PROG shows you the old / incorrect Mileage. Enter the

new / correct Mileage and confirm this with the hook.

Now shows you the DigiProg II 5 min wait. Remove the connection

between the DigiProg and the speedometer, wait 5 minutes and build the speedometer

again. Alternatively, for 5 min. Wait, you can also like in the image on the

next page shows the pins 21 and 22 bridges.


Here necessarily the board from any power supply (Digiprog,

external power supply, etc.), Pin 21 + 22 bridge, and then you can use the tachometer

Immediately reinstall.


OBDexpress disclaimer:


Thanks for all tech support from members’ share at

Real user's review on how to register and use Foxwell NT510

If you paid one Foxwell NT510 scanner and have no ideal how to register on the official site even following the instruction, I am sure real user's method and experience will guide you in a right direction.


(Quote) This scanner (Foxwell NT510 ) paid for itself over and over again. I registered my BMW battery with it and reset about 12 fault codes. When you receive your scanner and paid for 1 free software you will need to register your scanner. When you register the scanner make sure you remove your password. You then will need to take the sad card out of the scanner and put it into a usb reader and insert it into your computer. Once you have it inserted in your computer go to and download the software onto the SD card. It will be a zip file. To install the software on your as carr you will need a unzip software which you can download free from the internet. When you unzip the software it will automatically put an icon of the car or truck brand on your scanner. Done! I would like to point out that if you have problems registering your scanner you may need to re-regi SD ter with a different email. It will ask for the scanner serial number which you will input into the web site. Then you should be able to choose what software you want to download. Good luck. You will not be disappointed you purchased this scanner. It's very easy to use to reset codes, save we trouble codes, run live diagnostics. I'm going to get a software file for my Chevy Suburban next.

Credits for Emilia nice service.

If you are looking for Foxwell NT510 scanner, you can go to their site: