Looking for a BMW OBD scanner to alternate the official BMW service software (INPA & ISTA/ISTP) , and expect it is easy-to-use as well as not that much more expensive, then this tool must be Foxwell NT510. After reading the following parts, you will agree with me.
-> For BMW e66
I would recommend the Foxwell NT510 BMW scan tool. They are on sale right now for $149 at foxwelltool.com. It’s the same as Schwaben tool, but allows users to add up to 5 car brands software among more than 17 brands. NT510 is not pre loaded with the BMW specific software but easy to download that by following the instruction and lifetime updates are provided.
Read more: Foxwell NT510 scanner OK and Fail Review on BMW and Mini models
-> For older BMWs in addition to my e65
I have DIS, INPA, ISTA, etc.
-> INPA VS Foxwell NT510 BMW scanner
I have been using INPA for reading and clearing codes. I recently bought the Foxwell NT510 for same purposes plus I registered my battery and reset trans adaptation. It can do so much more as well for a reasonable price here.
-> Kdcan cable + ISTA
Google for the setup instruction.
Kdcan cable + ISTA is the official BMW service software, but it is also more complex. If the OP is looking for basic coding, battery registration, etc. then the Foxwell NT510 is the easiest to use.
If you prefer the ease of use of the scan tool interface to that of app-based or the laptop based software, Foxwell NT510 BMW scanner & coding tool is a good choice. It can do more than Inpa, and it is not complicated as Inpa & ISTA/ISTP.